I Feed You All

I Feed You All
Poster for the Granger Movement 1876 to 1886

Sunday, September 07, 2008

The Power of Power

The United States and its Allies have built a strong industrial and technological economy and social structure. That structure is based upon Oil. The major political players in our world now look to the future and see Oil as a strategic resource. The problem with that is that the location of the oil is fixed, so countries who have oil have power over countries that do not.

Additionally countries that need oil may see it worth a fight to control Oil. That means that this Century will be one that is dominated by Oil Wars.

There is an alternate solution to that bleak prediction. There is no reason why we must fund a military-industrial complex and defense industry to build weapons that have not and will not keep us safe, when we can have an equally strong economy based on alternative fuels.

Right now Russia is using its huge Oil and Gas supplies as leverage to dominate the European Theater. The future of the US is in alternative energies for both environmental and security reasons.