There is a missing discussion surrounding the Clinton-Obama race. That is the challenge to the idea that only the first primaries in the Democrat Party Nominating Priamries are important. That is one of the reasons why ao many states tried to jocky up calendar to get a forward position in the primary line up. Since 1968, the party has tried to shake a neurotic fear of an open Convention. The goal is to decide on a candidate as quickly as possible - most times precipitously. The candidates move on a downward path toward defeat.
The Convention in Chicago was a disaster, and I submit that the Democrat Party died in the streets of Chicago in 1968 and has been on life support ever since. Our political culture is defined by the Nixon-Reagan-Bush politics rather than the Roosevelt-Kennedy-Clinton politics.
If the Democrat Party is going to become a Party that can get things done it has to have a grass roots network - like the one that is trying to emerge - at its core. THe Party needs to bury its fear and revive the Party.
I Feed You All

Poster for the Granger Movement 1876 to 1886
Saturday, January 25, 2014
Thursday, January 23, 2014
What is Populism?
Populism is a system where the People, all the people, determine their own destinies by participation in a Government of the people, by the people, and for the people. The Populist Government would have at its core the interest of the people, all people by the means outlined in the Constitution of the US.
Populism. rejects the idea that free speech can be protected for any one but the person speaking. Corporations are not people and never will be. People are people, and we do not need any redefinition of what a person is.
Money is a tool to benefit man, rather than man a tool to benefit money. Under the Constitution of the US the people own every square inch of this great land and they and they alone ultimately determine how that land is used and how our natural resources are gathered and used.
Time for the people to take their place at the national table and demand to be heard and followed.
Use the Comment function to suggest people who would be better Candidates for President or any other office than the co-opted lot we have now.
Friday, January 10, 2014
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