I Feed You All

Poster for the Granger Movement 1876 to 1886
Tuesday, January 06, 2015
Populist Agenda 2015
It is time that the people take back the power of Governance as Farmers and Laborers did in the late 1800's. It is the people, the many who make an economy work not the few wealthy who seek perpetual increases in their economic status. Economic Growth must be in actual Production not artificial financial manipulation that produces nothing and causes imbalances in economic distribution.
This is an agenda that is bigger than any single election. It is about the welfare of the people of the US achieved by establishing an equitable distribution of goods and services. The goal of an economy is to provide for the health and welfare of all people through the distribution of goods and services by a production centered Capitalist system. That system needs to be made up of private economic units that are well regulated for efficincy and fairness to both employer and employee.
Accumulation of Wealth needs to be in balance with the widest level of the ability of all people to care for themselves. What we have now is a system of financial capitalism existing as Corporate Socialism. Hence there is no need to disparage socialism, just the way it is used.
The US Constitution lays out a system where the people, all people, collectively own the land and resources within the borders of this country. The Government grants and regulated the ownership of property. Such grants and delegations of ownership must reflect the need of all the people not just the few.
Saturday, January 03, 2015
Finding Our Way Back Home (revised July 18 2015)
We should stop asking who is electable and start asking who has any idea about how to just be able to get back in the pack of countries in the world that are moving toward a social existence that supports living a equable and positive quality of life.
On January 3, 2015, I wrote that there is no one in sight that has any chance of escaping the taint of Corporate America because the US, we the people, worships at their alter. Well there is now such a man, Senator Bernie Sanders, and it seems he is waking up people. It seems that people are moving away from the "Alter Of Worship for Corporate America" and following the call that Bernie sends,
This is a democracy and our politicians reflect the people. To change our Government we need to change ourselves. We will never move forward as long as the money changers still are allowed to do their business in Democracy's Temple
The sad reality is that when Jimmy Carter said the US was in a malaise in the late 70's he was right. He nor any of his contemporaries had any idea how to get out of that malaise, still don't, but at least he had the direction we were going exactly right.
You can not get to where you want to go unless you know where you are. The United States still has the best form of government in the world, we just need to rediscover that form. Bernie speaks as did our founders of Government made up of the people, "We the People". A government that seeks to offer the people, all people, the opportunity to be their best.
It seems that once again we have the opportunity to return to the course that was set for us in 1789. I just hope that we are not beat down by the same forces that turned the Hope of 1968 into the seeds of the Reagan Revolution that derailed the United States and allowed the Corporate American Engine to take over the tracks.
On January 3, 2015, I wrote that there is no one in sight that has any chance of escaping the taint of Corporate America because the US, we the people, worships at their alter. Well there is now such a man, Senator Bernie Sanders, and it seems he is waking up people. It seems that people are moving away from the "Alter Of Worship for Corporate America" and following the call that Bernie sends,
This is a democracy and our politicians reflect the people. To change our Government we need to change ourselves. We will never move forward as long as the money changers still are allowed to do their business in Democracy's Temple
The sad reality is that when Jimmy Carter said the US was in a malaise in the late 70's he was right. He nor any of his contemporaries had any idea how to get out of that malaise, still don't, but at least he had the direction we were going exactly right.
You can not get to where you want to go unless you know where you are. The United States still has the best form of government in the world, we just need to rediscover that form. Bernie speaks as did our founders of Government made up of the people, "We the People". A government that seeks to offer the people, all people, the opportunity to be their best.
It seems that once again we have the opportunity to return to the course that was set for us in 1789. I just hope that we are not beat down by the same forces that turned the Hope of 1968 into the seeds of the Reagan Revolution that derailed the United States and allowed the Corporate American Engine to take over the tracks.
Runing For An Idea, Not an Office
If one is campaigning just to get elected to some office, they will never be able to govern any differently. One has to have a campaign based in Ideas to encourage a debate and let the electorate vote for the ideas they want rather than the people they want. We are not saved by people we are saved by ideas.
I can not care a flip about party's who are basically all the same and all eat at the same trough. I want to hear some one who will state ideas and then defend them with something other than consultant generated pablum. I want to support a platform that is based upon sound reasoning that then engenders a passion based in reason.
It is my faith that most of the American people are smart enough to talk like adults when it comes to politics and are best served when they are talked to in that fashion.
Thursday, January 01, 2015
Being Aware of Propaganda
I ran across this graphic today. It is a real good piece of Propaganda. Not one single fact. Just a comment "People who work for a living are being overwhelmed by people who vote for a living.

Let's Break it down.
1. How are people who work for a living being overwhelmed?
This is left vague so that anyone who is overwhelmed will relate to it. The target is a person who feels financially over whelmed. Today that is a vast majority of the people.
2. How does a person make a living by voting?
The inference is the Romney tag about the 48% who do not pay taxes. This of course was shown to be false as a lot of people who do not pay taxes are working people who earn their money by Working. What we are asked to believe here is that our taxes are paid to people who do not work and they make their living by voting for people who will pass more bills to give these "moochers" more "hand outs"
Again, there are not facts or figures to show this. This is misdirection. You are given a problem and the point to the person that you want to divert blame.
It is true that there are a lot of people that for people who will give them "hand outs". Corporate hand outs such as subsidies that never die and and tax cuts where many corporations pay little or no taxes.
Also everyone who votes votes for their own self interest. Corporate owners give massive donations to make sure they can control the agenda in Washington so they get to keep their hand outs.
3. What is the Target of this propaganda?
People who are overwhelmed in a time of transition where labor and technology are displacing workers and placing larger burdens on Government Assistance. This causes strains on the economy in general, but a further complication is the refusal to provide adequate money for Job Creation to provide relief for the overwhelmed worker.
On its face, it is a bit strange to accept that the poorest least powerful part of an economy can be the cause of an economy that is overwhelming the remnants of the Middle class.
In the mid-70's the world changed and the US began a decline. As corporations became international they began to move jobs out of the US. The Corporations now also had to compete for resources and that caused inflationary pressures in the Economy. The old economic Models did not work and the US has been in decline ever since. Coporations began to jump ship, so to speak, and i leaving those bound in the US struggle (being overwhelmed) with living on less.
It is all there. Anyone who wants to can do the research, but struggling families are at the mercy of time and money and seek instead someone who will tell them what is going on. The propagandists have fill that spot all to well, feeding the people with simplistic stories to misdirect them until it too late to do anything. Read Animal Farm by George Orwell. He has the model down but when he wrote the book he get the future antagonist incorrectly, but the book just states the model.

Let's Break it down.
1. How are people who work for a living being overwhelmed?
This is left vague so that anyone who is overwhelmed will relate to it. The target is a person who feels financially over whelmed. Today that is a vast majority of the people.
2. How does a person make a living by voting?
The inference is the Romney tag about the 48% who do not pay taxes. This of course was shown to be false as a lot of people who do not pay taxes are working people who earn their money by Working. What we are asked to believe here is that our taxes are paid to people who do not work and they make their living by voting for people who will pass more bills to give these "moochers" more "hand outs"
Again, there are not facts or figures to show this. This is misdirection. You are given a problem and the point to the person that you want to divert blame.
It is true that there are a lot of people that for people who will give them "hand outs". Corporate hand outs such as subsidies that never die and and tax cuts where many corporations pay little or no taxes.
Also everyone who votes votes for their own self interest. Corporate owners give massive donations to make sure they can control the agenda in Washington so they get to keep their hand outs.
3. What is the Target of this propaganda?
People who are overwhelmed in a time of transition where labor and technology are displacing workers and placing larger burdens on Government Assistance. This causes strains on the economy in general, but a further complication is the refusal to provide adequate money for Job Creation to provide relief for the overwhelmed worker.
On its face, it is a bit strange to accept that the poorest least powerful part of an economy can be the cause of an economy that is overwhelming the remnants of the Middle class.
In the mid-70's the world changed and the US began a decline. As corporations became international they began to move jobs out of the US. The Corporations now also had to compete for resources and that caused inflationary pressures in the Economy. The old economic Models did not work and the US has been in decline ever since. Coporations began to jump ship, so to speak, and i leaving those bound in the US struggle (being overwhelmed) with living on less.
It is all there. Anyone who wants to can do the research, but struggling families are at the mercy of time and money and seek instead someone who will tell them what is going on. The propagandists have fill that spot all to well, feeding the people with simplistic stories to misdirect them until it too late to do anything. Read Animal Farm by George Orwell. He has the model down but when he wrote the book he get the future antagonist incorrectly, but the book just states the model.
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